Diet For Lazy Women And Girls Excess Weight Will Disappear Thanks To This Drink!

We are all aware about the health benefits of cinnamon and honey but have you heard that their combination can help in losing excess weight? This delicious drink is easy to be prepared and will help in melting body fat and boosting the metabolism in a short time. Especially if you are too lazy to do exercise this drink is the right solution.

Ingredients needed:

  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of cinnamon
  • 250 ml of water

How to prepare it:

Pour previously boiled water over the cinnamon. Than cover it until it is cooled. Add the honey and stir until is melted. Do not add the honey in too hot water as it will lose its nutrients.

After drinking half of the mixture before going to bed, place the other half in a fridge. Drink it the next morning before breakfast. Do not preheat before drinking.

It is a simple procedure. Remember to consume it on empty stomach if you want to achieve positive results.
