Symptoms And Signs For Testicular Cancer – Do Not Ignore!

American males between the ages of 15 and 35 suffer from testicular cancer the most. You can treat this cancer. But the best way is to do self-examinations often and identify any symptoms or signs so that the treatment can be highly successful.

Here you can read about the risk factors form testicular cancer, what signs and symptoms can be shown and how to do the self-examination.

Risk Factors for Testicular Cancer
There are still studies conducted to clear what causes the testicular cancer but there are several factors that may increase the risk for developing one.

The most significant factor is the undescended testicle

When a baby is formed in the mother`s womb, if it is a boy the testicles form in the abdomen and then they descend down to the scrotum shortly before birth. In some cases this descent doesn’t occur so the baby may be born with the condition known as the undescended testicles (cryptorchidism)

These men who have this testicle disorder have a higher risk of developing testicular cancer. If the testicle is surgically relocated to the scrotum the risk remains the same.

Age - Cancer can occur at any age, but mainly it affects ages between 15 and 35.

Race - White men suffer more than other ethnic groups.

Family history - the testicular cancer is heredatory, so if anyone in the family had it –there is a risk you may have it too.

Abnormal testicle development - the Klinefelter`s syndrome (an extra X chromosome in the boy DNA) can increase the risk of testicular cancer.

Smoking – people that smoke a pack of 20 cigarettes a day in the period of 12 years are prone to develop testicular cancer than those who don’t smoke.

HIV - men with HIV have higher risk for testicular cancer.

Signs and Symptoms for testicular cancer

  • Look for a lump or swelling in one of the testicles. It can be small or large and it usually affects just one testicle. Don’t ignore this lump or swelling, visit the GP and see what this is about.
  • Feeling pain, discomfort or heaviness in a testicle or in the scrotum
  • There is a difference between the testicles
  • Fluid in the scrotum
  • Fatigue, general feeling of being unwell, enlargement or tenderness in the breasts, dull ache in the lower abdomen, enlarged lymph nodes and back pain.


You just need three minutes once a month to check your body.

You can perform the check up while in the bath or shower, when the skin of the scrotum is relaxed. Get to know your testicles and be aware of any unusual changes that may occur.

The testicles should be checked one at a time. Place the index and the middle finger under the testicle, while placing the thumbs on the top. Use both hands to roll it gently between your fingers.

Feel it for any hard lumps or size, shape changes. It is normal one testicle to be slightly larger than the other and to hang lower from the other.

You can also use a mirror to look for swelling on the skin or scrotum.
