Scientists Reveal Soy Actually Speeds up the Progression of Breast Cancer!!!

Although soy has long been regarded asa powerful anti-cancer foodby nutritionists, new research reveals quite the opposite.According to scientists at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York who studied invasive breast cancer, adding soy to your diet could speed up the rate at which breast cancer cells spread in women already diagnosed with the disease.
Experiments on lab animals show that diets high in trypsin inhibitors, found in large quantities in soybean, lead to enlargement and pathological diseases of the pancreas, including cancer.

Soy Speeds up the Development of Breast Cancer

Researchers at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in New York studied 140 women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer.

Half took soy protein powder containing genistein while the other half took a placebo for between seven and 30 days before they had surgery to remove their cancer.

The scientists compared tumour tissues from before and after the operation and found changes in the expressions of certain genes, known to stimulate cell growth, in those women who took the soy supplement.The findings led them to conclude the soy protein could potentially accelerate the progression of the disease.
In the words of Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, author of The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food “It’s a myth that soy prevents breast cancer.”

Vegans and Vegetarians are at Risk

According to Dr. Jacqueline Bromberg, co-author of the study, a few of the women with high genistein levels underwent changes in a specified set of genes known to influence breast cancer cell growth, death, or some other aspect of breast cancer pathology.

A survey conveyed in 1998 discovered that the average daily intakeof soy protein in Japan was about 8g for men and 7g for women; this equalsless than two teaspoons. On the other hand, the average soy protein intake in America significantly surpassed this quantity.

Genetically Modified

It’s important to understand that every soy or soybean product has a 93% chance of being GMO. Even organic soy cannot be trusted becausesoy is a very problematic crop. The thing is that many agricultural practices pass off the non-organic sources of soy as organic.

In 2011, a plot to import fraudulent organic certificateswas uncovered by the USDA. Usingacounterfeit certificate, a Chinese firmrepresented non-organic crops, including soybeans, millet and buckwheat, as certified organic. Unfortunately, thesekinds of things happen every year butcustomers only know a fraction of what’s really going on. Domesticorganic soybean crops are also being examined for having GMO origins.

Most Soy is Unfermented

Unfermented soy products contain phytates, which in fact inhibit the absorption of protein and four key minerals – calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc more than fermented sources. The natural form of soybeancomprises phytochemicals with harmful effects on the human body.The three major anti-nutrients are phytates, enzyme inhibitors and goitrogens. Acting as the immune system of the plant, these anti-nutrients are the way nature protects the soybean plant from sun radiation, and from invasion by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.

Although all plants contain some toxic properties, soybean is especiallyabundant in these chemicals.

If these toxins are not neutralized via fermentation or soaking, soybean is one of the worst foods to consume.

A number of studies have linked soy to digestive disorder, immune system breakdown, PMS, endometriosis, reproductive problems for men and women, allergies, ADD and ADHD, higher risk of heart disease and cancer, malnutrition, and loss of libido.

The only type of soy humans can consume are the fermented sources of soy such as natto, miso, tempeh and some fermented tofu and that’s only if they’re non-GMO and organic (which there is no guarantee despite labeling).

When food is eaten, the digestive tract starts releasing digestive enzymes such as amylase lipase and protease to break downthe food andfreeits nutrients for absorption in the body. The high amount of enzyme inhibitors such as trypsin in unfermented soybeans inhibits this process making carbohydrates and proteins from soybeans impossible to fully metabolize.
