Save and Improve Your Health with the Essential Vitamin C !

Vitamin C activates the functions of all cells. It is a powerful antioxidant that slows the biochemical processes of the aging cells. Plays a major role in the production of collagen which is important for the development and renewal of the skin, so it becomes tight, healthier, and more beautiful, and bones, tendons, cartilage and blood vessels (capillaries) become stronger and stronger. It improves the absorption of iron in the intestines and strengthens the immune system of the body, neutralizes the toxins from the blood, helps with healing of the wounds and affects many other important physiological functions. Significantly helps in the prevention and treatment of fever, flu and colds.

When you need to take extra?

Increased demands
often occur in: stressful situations, various diseases (infections) and injuries, fever, surgery, pregnant and nursing women, athletes, smokers.

Due to increased physical and psychological burden athletes have a great need for vitamin C. Smokers also have a chronic lack of vitamin C because it’s used for neutralization of toxic heavy metals from the  smoke of the cigarettes.

Sources of vitamin C !

Plants are a good source of vitamin C, although it’s amount varies with individual species of plants depending on the climatic conditions in which the plant grows, the quality of the soil, the freshness of the fruit , and by the way the fruit is processed (boiling, chopping, grinding).

Rosehip, parsley ,kiwi, broccoli, strawberries, orange, lemon, grapefruit, pepper, melon , raspberry, tangerine, spinach , mango… are just few of the plants with bigger concentration of vitamin c.

What harms the vitamin c?

The vitamin C is very sensitive. It can be lost by boiling (oxidized), on heat, with milling, when in contact with the air… It can be destroyed by some compounds that are used in preservation. It’s inactivated if used with milk.

Symptoms of deficiency !

The symptoms of lack of vitamin C appears as : fatigue, both physical and intellectual, bleeding, proneness to infections, slower growth of the child
