How To Do Reflexology Treating Common Ailments At Home

It may come as a surprise to you, but there are certain points on your foot that are connected to the vital organs in your body. Massage these points on your foot and you will stimulate the function of the organs. If you know where to locate these points, or even better, if you know how to massage them, you can consider yourself as a “master” of reflexology.

In China people have used this method for many centuries, and today it is used all over the world. Experts have studied these methods for so long, and they actually made a foot-map that you can use to find a certain point on your foot and thus affect the organ’s function.

This kind of foot-massages are often used to wake up the “sleeping” inner energy.

How to massage your foot properly?
Foot-massages do not require any special knowledge or skill. You can do it by yourself, but the best results are obtained when someone else does the massage for you, while you are laying completely relaxed. What you should remember is that you should always warm up your feet before doing the massage. This will improve the circulation.

Even though you may need to stimulate the function of a certain organ, experts still recommend massaging the whole foot, as each of your organs will sure appreciate a mild stimulation.

Massage your feet in both directions. This will give your the best results. The rule says that you should massage the reflex points using clockwise circular movements. Massage each reflex point for 10-30 seconds. If the point is too sensitive, massage it for a few seconds, make a break, and repeat the massage in a few minutes.

In this way you will not feel any pain and still get the results desired.

The best results are obtained if you start massaging the points associated with the detoxification organs, including your kidneys, liver, bladder, bile and lungs.

Even healthy people can use the advantages of foot-reflexology. This will help you get rid of uric acid crystals located at the end of the feet nerves. These crystal deposits can often affect the function of the glands and vital organs.

Walking, stress, uncomfortable clothes and long-term standing are responsible for the creation of these crystal deposits. Massage the “cleaning” points, and then switch to the point linked to the affected organ.

Is it normal to feel pain during the massage?
Foot-massages do not cause pain unless there is a problem you are not aware of, or a health condition associated with the organ you are stimulating. Pain can actually be considered as an indicator for a hidden health problem, which will help you choose the proper treatment. However, sharp and severe pain indicate an acute problem, and dull pain is a sign of a chronic problem.

Start by massaging the big toe, and make sure that the massage involves every direction. This will stimulate the nerves in your head. Massage the rest of your foot counterclockwise. This kind of massage will relieve your stress and any intense situation. Toe-massage can help you treat insomnia, and thus improve the quality of your sleep.

How long should you do the massage?
Massage your feet every day, and the treatment should last for 10 or 20 days in a row. Make a break before you continue with the treatment. You can do the massage once a week if you want to improve each of your bodily functions.

Reflex massage has positive effect in both children and adults. Experts claim that pregnant women should not do this kind of massage. Avoid the foot-massage if you have high body temperature, thrombosis, internal bleeding or an integrated pacemaker.

Foot-massage is commonly used in the treatment of headache, migraine, sport injures, shoulder and knee pain, menstrual pain and spine problems. It is really beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract, relieves stomach ache, helps in reducing stomach acid and diarrhea.

You can relieve the symptoms of asthma, sinus inflammation, bronchitis and respiratory problems by massaging the right points on your feet. People sometimes use reflex massage to improve the immune system or treat fatigue.

As you all know, any kind of massage can help you treat fatigue or leg cramps, because massages improve the circulation, providing more oxygen for your body. Also reflex massage will help you treat depression, improve the concentration and creativity.

Here is how to do reflexology at home to treat common aliments:
Target the nerve zones on your feet to treat headaches. Massage your big toes with circular movements and this will relax your neck. Apply more pressure on the upper halves of the toes to stimulate the nerves connected to the head. Massaging the upper halves of your fingers on both sides will also relieve the headache. Read our article on how to relieve headaches using essential oils, as some of the tips may be really useful for you.

Sleep Disorders
Stimulating the pituitary gland is the best way to alleviate sleeping disorders. The nerve linked to your endocrine system is located in the middle of your fingertips. Apply direct pressure on this point using the side of your nail. On your feet this point is located in the middle of your big toe, on the bottom side. You can also consume certain foods that will help you improve your sleep, and we have covered this topic in one of our articles.

To relieve stress and anxiety you may want to start with the neck and head area on your toes. The “wrist-twist” technique can also help you in such cases. All you have to do is form a circle around the wrist using your thumb and index finger, and twist it back and forth for twenty times. For better results check out the 14 effective natural remedies for stress and anxiety.

Back Pain
Back pain can be really frustrating. Stimulate the spine reflexes and you should soon see some results. On your hands locate the area on the side of your thumb to the bottom of the wrist. Massage the bottom of your foot and the area where your leg meets the foot. You can do any of the 13 exercises we recommended to strengthen your back.

Colds and Flu
Stimulate the areas linked to your sinuses, nose, throat, and lungs to relieve the symptoms of colds and flu. On your feet locate the points on the side of your big toe, the middle of each toe, and an inch below your toes. You can massage certain points on your hands as well. Start from the tip of your finger to just above the knuckle and then back up again. Check out the 10 natural treatments for colds and flu.
