Beetroot Juice – Prevents Tumor Creation and Heals Leukemia

The presence of iodine makes beetroot a precious aid in the fight against arteriosclerosis and in the slowing down of the process of aging. Nevertheless, the essential manifold healing property of this plant is contained in betanin and betaine, which induce the exchange of materials, regulate the blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, preserve the blood vessels, boost the work of the liver and have many other benefits. Beetroot is consumed throughout the whole year and due to its richness in vitamins and minerals can be consumed with no limitations or side effects.

Besides the high content of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, beetroot contains almost all minerals such as calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iodine, sulfur, lithium, copper, iron, fluorine, strontium, and bromine. Furthermore, what is really important when it comes to beetroots is the presence of vitamins B1, B2, C, as well as vitamin B12 in them, which is rarely found in ingredients of plant origin and is very beneficial for vegetarians. This amazing plant also helps to regenerate blood and it has an anti-carcinogenic effect.

The underground part of the beetroot is used as a remedy. Its roots are picked in autumn and they should be kept in moderately warm place. Provided that they are kept in a suitable way, they can last for a whole year. The basic function of beetroot is to prevent tumor creation and heal leukemia. It is also great for healing of malaria, acute fibrous diseases, and flu in the first stadium. In addition, it is used for regulation of the blood pressure, especially in people who suffer from low blood pressure. It has a soothing effect on the nerves and on the work of the brain. Moreover, it also improves the blood in cases of anemia, especially in children and young people, as well as boosts the work of the stomach, intestines, and the gall bladder.

For all types of diseases, you should use freshly squeezed beetroot juice. You can get 700-750 ml juice from 1 kg of beetroots.

Beetroot Juice:

Boiling contributes to the loss of the healing properties of beetroots, therefore it is best to use a freshly squeezed juice. Peel the beetroot very thinly, shred it finely and add lemon juice and honey. Leave it to stay a bit and afterward drain the juice. You should drink a small amount of it every once in a while during the course of a day.

In cases of more severe diseases, you should consume 0, 5-1 l of beetroot juice a day. When you feel an improvement in your health, you should reduce the amount to ¼ l.

We constantly try to discover new ways of improving one’s health and thus help all of you out there to maintain or improve your overall health as much as you can. Therefore, we sincerely hope that this juice will help some of you to finally solve your health issues.