Still Getting Acne? Stop Eating These 3 Foods Immediately

Everyone hates breakouts! Whether you’re young, old, or anywhere in-between acne is one of those things that you just don’t want to deal with. Unfortunately, acne is as much a part of life as sleeping, breathing, and most importantly eating. Luckily, this article is full of tips on how to modify your diet to control or avoid acne altogether.

It really is what’s on the inside that counts.

At some point or another you have probably heard the saying “it’s what’s on the inside that counts.”  Who could have guessed this would be some of the most factual advice you would ever receive, but  not for the reason you are thinking. What you put inside of your body is very important, and contributes as much to what you will look like as your DNA. Other than controlling your body’s weight, energy levels, and health in general; food plays an important part in skin care.

Foods that are high in vitamin C such as: oranges,cranberries and grapefruit are perfect for clearing up acne in its early stages. For someone suffering from chronic outbreaks foods like liver, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds which are foods that are all high in zinc can help get rid of acne. Other foods that help get rid of acne include foods that are rich in vitamin E, carotenoids, and selenium.

What you didn’t know about acne.

Although acne is a common problem, many are unclear as to how acne forums in the first place. To put it simply acne is caused by the blocking of pores; this blockage is usually attributed to a buildup of dirt and grim in the ore. In reality, pores become blocked when the sebaceous gland excretes excess sebum into the pore. Luckily, like many other things that occur within the body, your diet can greatly affect the functions of the sebaceous gland. Here are some of the foods to avoided eating in order to remain acne free.

1. Dairy Products
Now you may not be lactose intolerant, but milk and other dairy products can still negatively impact your immune system. Allergic reactions of any degree usually involve some kind of inflammation in the body, acne is no different. To find out if dairy products are the cause of your acne issue, it is best to avoid consuming any dairy products for at least three weeks and see how your skin responds. Alternatively, there are food sensitivity tests that can be done to find out if milk is the problem in a fraction of the time.

2. Eggs
Eggs are common food sensitivity much like dairy; eggs are a consistent cause of inflammation in the pores.  In addition to being a cause of acne, egg sensitivity can also cause various reactions in the skin such as eczema and psoriasis.

3. Processed sugars.
Processed sugars– as well as any other food’s that have a high glycemic index– are to be avoided for a variety of health related reasons. Foods that have a high glycemic index will cause a spike in the body’s insulin level, this spike in insulin levels will lead to an increase of various hormones including testosterone. Higher testosterone levels can cause a painful cystic type of acne.

Although it might seem that acne is something that you’re just going to have to learn to live with. By simply cutting these foods out of your diet, while adding in vitamin and mineral rich foods, you can gain a significant amount of control over your acne problem.
