Ancient Folk Remedy That Alleviates Clogged Arteries, Eliminates Fat In The Blood, Reduces Infections And The Common Cold!

In this article, we will talk about an amazingly effective beverage, which is an ancient German folk remedy with great therapeutic effects. It’s ingredients are  lemon, ginger and garlic and is considered as one of the best natural remedies with numerous benefits. This beverage is a combination of three incredible foods that are having very positive influence to the health.

This medicine is excellent for treating and preventing an artery congestion. It’s regulating the blood fat levels, preventing fatigue and is healing colds and
infections. Also, it’s improving the immune system and cleansing the liver, as well as the liver enzymes.

This natural medicine is preventing free radicals in the body, which are causing numerous serious illnesses and other conditions that are associated with the circulatory system and the heart.

So, here is the recipe for this incredible beverage:

You will need:

-4 lemons with peel
-4 larger garlic heads
-A small ginger root piece, about 3 to 4 cm
-2 liters filtered water


After washing the lemons, chop them into small pieces. Peel the garlic and then blend it together with the ginger and the lemon pieces in a blender.

Put the blended mixture into metal bowl, pour 2 liters water and then heat the texture by stirring till the boiling points are reached. When the boiling starts, turn off the heat and leave everything to cool down. Strain this trough some medium strainer and add in glass bottles.

Take 1 glass of this beverage each day, at least two and a half hours before meals, or on empty stomach.

This mixture of water, lemon and cooking is neutralizing the garlic smell. Before you take the drink, do not forget to shake the bottle, in order to get the garlic and lemon in the bottom mixed together with the juice.
