The Magic Soup Diet: Lose Eights Pounds in Seven Days

You can carry this meal everywhere with you.

The soup diet is based on soupy foods that are easy to digest and contains all necessary nutrients and various groceries for every day.

It lasts seven days and one can lose up to eights pounds.  The point is every meal to be some homemade soup, in unlimited quantities.

It can be a cream soup, clear soup, soup with meat or vegetables. During these seven days, try to discard all artificially processed foods, unhealthy snacks and sweets.

Reduce carbohydrates to a minimum, and add chicken white meat, feta cheese, peas, beans in the soup because they are rich in protein.

Initially, it will be a little hard because you will need to cook the soups in advance. Of course, you can eat the same kind of soup all day, but on the other hand, it may become dull.

One big soup bowl contains 300 calories. You can bring your soups to work in a thermos bottle, or you can also freeze them.

The good side of the soup diet is that you can eat whenever you are hungry.

Homemade chicken soup
It is important to be aware that there are some diets that might not suit your body. It happens often to feel hunger, to comply with the diet and still not to lose weight.

In case the same happens with the soup diet, it is time to look for the diet that fits your metabolism.
