Cure Your Varicose Veins With This Remarkable Remedy!

After the first painful occurrence of varicose veins, hemorrhoids or poor circulation, one should immediately begin to heal and treat them with a product that is based on horse chestnut.

Although it is very healing, horse chestnut acts slowly, so prevention and treatment of symptoms should start early.

Besides all the various cosmetics that contain chestnut, you can prepare a special extract  of this healing fruit.

The most common form of vascular disease is varicose veins which usually manifests as incapacitating bulging veins in the legs, and/or painful and itchy hemorrhoids.

But varicose veins are much more than a nuisance … if you ignore them, they could be fatal.

Complications with varicose veins

For many people, varicose veins and spider veins are simply a cosmetic concern.

For others, varicose veins can result in severe pain and serious complications.

Varicose veins may also indicate a higher risk of other vascular disorders.

Varicose veins usually enlarge and worsen over time.

They can cause the legs and feet to swell, and leg muscles may feel fatigued or heavy, or throb and cramp at night.

Also, the skin on the legs and around the ankles can itch or burn.

In some cases, varicose veins can cause more serious problems and result in chronic venous insufficiency, a severe clogging of the blood in the veins that prevents it from returning to the heart.

Chestnut extract (tincture)

For the chestnut extract  you will need 12-15 ripe horse chestnut fruits (freshly harvested) and 2.5 dl brandy (cognac).

Grind the chestnut with its bark finely, put it in a jar and pour in the cognac. Leave to stand for 6-8 weeks.

Add a few drops in water and drink the beverage for better circulation, varicose veins, hemorrhoids…

Horse chestnut -- herbal extracts for healthy veins  have been shown to:

  • improve the appearance of your legs and ankles by reducing swelling
  • reduce cramps and tingling in legs
  • help circulation on long flights
  • reduce pain
  • improve micro-circulation
  • improve capillary flow
  • improve vascular tone

Will these botanical extract make the varicose veins in my legs disappear?

We can’t promise miracles, but if you start using these herbs early, they can help prevent problems from occurring later.

And if your legs are already disfigured, the extract will help reduce edema—which will improve their appearance.

The most important thing to remember is this:

Horse chestnut, will help stop your varicose veins from getting worse, and that’s priceless … because down the road varicose veins are a medical condition—not just a cosmetic nuisance—that can lead to serious complications.
