Honey Wraps – Treat Strong Cough In One Night!

The essence of this treatment of cough is that it is a natural method, which has always been used since ancient time to treat diseases of the respiratory tract.

Honey has a high biological activity, and with the help of the coating it can discard phlegm, which is accompanied by severe attacks of coughing.

The wrap with honey is an excellent tool that eliminates bad cough, literally in one night. It is recommended for both children and adults.

To prepare this honey wrap you will need:

  • honey
  • flour
  • vegetable oil
  • gauze
  • napkin
  • plaster

How to prepare it:

Mix the flour with a small amount of honey, so that you get a mixture of a compress.

The mixture should not stick to your hands. You can add a little oil and then roll the wrap in the flour wrap again.

Put the resulting mixture on a napkin and then wrap it in cheesecloth.

Place it on your chest or back, using the plaster. Then, put on pajamas.

Note that you do not put a wrap on the area of the heart.

Leave the wrap on your child for 2-3 hours, it is best when it is sleeping, and adults can keep it throughout the whole night. For enhanced effect, adults can add a little mustard powder.

At this point you might want to put some protection on the sheets, because you will be sweating a lot, and therefore your sheets might get wet.

These wraps can do wonders for your health, because they have a good anti-inflammatory action and a slight warming effect. The results of these compresses will follow almost immediately.

You will feel a significant relief only after the first compress. In order for this treatment to work, you need to repeat it several days in a row.

When to use honey wraps

In case of a cough, honey wraps can be used in children older than 6 months. The child must not have skin diseases and injuries of the skin.

You need to be careful since the child mustn’t be allergic to bee products. You can check it by placing a small amount of honey on the child’s body.

In case of redness or swelling, it means that there is an allergic reaction; in this case, honey wraps are contraindicated. It is also not recommended if the body temperature of the child is higher than 37 degrees.

source: http://www.goodmorningcenter.com/