Ejecting water from the organism is very important. We get rid of toxins, bacteria and other harmful substances through urine. Since parsley helps us with these problems we can say that it represents a great diuretic and also a very good antioxidant.
Consuming parsley tea is highly recommendable but you should never exaggerate in doing it. It is best if you don’t drink over one liter of parsley tea during the day.
Parsley functions as a medicine since ancient times. In ancient Rome it was believed that chewing parsley leaves improves perception and intellectual capability. Today this plant is mostly used as a spice. It is also used as a medicine but only by those who are familiar with its benefits.
Add parsley to your everyday meals. Aside from adding parsley to soups, you can also add fresh leaves of parsley into your salads.
source: http://www.healthyfoodhouse.com