I Almost Died Of A Heart Attack Because Of My Clogged Arteries And This Drink Helped Me Clean Them!

One of the most serious health problems people can face is atherosclerosis. It appears when the arteries are obstructed by an accumulation of fats in their internal walls. They are otherwise called clogged arteries and as a result, the blood flow of the body becomes affected.

This problem can even deteriorate leading to a cardiac arrest, brain hemorrhages or even death. There are also some bad habits that can worsen the condition. Some of them are: smoking, eating a lot of fat, little physical activity, excess of weight, diabetes 1 or 2, suffering from high blood pressure or cholesterol.

Other things included here are: inflammation provoked by arthritis, lupus or infections.

Numerous medicines and surgeries can give us positive results in the treatment of clogged arteries, but the bad thing is they still have side effects. That’s why, when we finish with the treatment, we usually feel even more sick and weak and we’re unable to achieve a full recovery.

Here, we’re going to present you a natural recipe that will help you clean your clogged arteries very fast. It’s an ancient remedy that offers surprising results. Some of its numerous benefits is that it cleans our arteries, increases our immunity, regulates the lipids and fights infections. On the other hand, it also strengthens our immune system and cleans our liver rapidly!


  • One cup of raisins
  • Two tablespoons of grated ginger
  • Two tablespoons of honey
  • Four tablespoons of green tea
  • One liter of water


Take a pan and we boil the water on slow fire. After 10 minutes, turn down the heat and add the tea, ginger and the honey. Stir everything well so that all of the ingredients are combined.

Next, cover the pan wrapping it in a woolen cloth. Keep it like that for 8 hours. After this time, the drink is already ready for you to take!


Take this remedy twice a day (before meals). The recommended quantity ranges between 150 ml and 200 ml. It greatest effects mostly appear because the raisins contain soluble and insoluble fiber. They are also rich in antioxidants and potassium, which offer tremendous benefit for the cardiac health. The fiber also can also help us expel the bile from the organism and regulate the levels of our cholesterol, but most of all, it will help us against clogged arteries!

source: http://healthylifestar.com