8 Herbs That Kill Internal Parasites Naturally

Most of us don’t know how common parasites are in our life. They exist in more forms than we can imagine. Almost one third of the global population is infected by one or the other kind of parasites.

There may be many more parasites that we have not yet studied. This means that we may be infected by them and we may not yet know about it. Considering that candida has all the properties that make it a parasite, it can be said that most of the global population is suffering from various health problems because of parasites.

Here are 8 herbs that can eliminate parasites. When we say ‘herbs’ here, the term covers herbs, foods and other sources that could help kill parasites!

1. Black Walnut-Nuts & green Hull

Herbalists worldwide like to use black walnuts and their green hulls for cleansing intestines and blood. The hull is considered highly effective in curing fungal infections. You can also make juice out of the hulls for killing parasites. But make sure that you are using only the ‘green’ hulls.

2. Garlic

Garlic works against anything that is harmful to your body. This includes everything like fungi, viruses, cancer, parasites, bacteria, and even vampires!

It is one of the richest herbs we can think of. It is also capable of chelating heavy metals by removing them out of the body. It is also highly effective in deterring insects that such your blood – fleas, ticks and mosquitoes.

3. Wormwood

Wormwood, also known as Artemisia absinthium, is recognized by its small yellowish green flowers. The flowers and leaves of the plant are used for treating various problems of the stomach. It is also a highly effective remedy for killing
intestinal worms.

Nursing moms should not use wormwood. It has great antimicrobial benefits and can also help in treating infections.

4. Thyme

This herb works in the stimulation of our thymus. Thymus is a crucial gland and part of our immune system. Thus, thyme helps in stimulating our natural defense mechanism. It also works effectively with Echinacea. Use oil of thyme for killing many types of parasites. It also kills parasites in our intestinal tract.

5. Cloves

Clove essential oil has been used for centuries to destroy eggs of worms left in our intestines. In fact, researchers believe that it is the only herb that can kill most parasite eggs.

Make sure to use it with wormwood and black walnut to entirely destroy the life cycle of parasites. Other benefits of cloves include antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. The oil has wide ranging antimicrobial benefits.

6. Oil of Oregano

The oil of oregano contains very high amount of antioxidants that destroy free radicals. It also has strong antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiparasitic properties. It is classified as a very powerful ‘killer’ that could re-tune the microbial environment in your intestines. There are so many studies that show the benefits of oil of oregano in treating so many conditions ranging from parasite-based infections to various types of cancers.

7. Chinese Gold-thread

The Chinese have been using gold-thread or coptis chinensis for thousands of years for treating various types of infections caused by bacteria, protozoa, yeast and parasites. It derives most of its antimicrobial properties from a compound known as berberine found in it.

8. Diatomaceous Earth

If you take food grade diatomaceous earth, it can help in absorbing so many types of harmful microbes and substances. This includes:

  • Methyl mercury
  • Endotoxins
  • coli
  • Drug residues
  • Residues from organophosphate pesticide
  • Viruses

Some of the main health benefits include destroying intestinal parasites, eliminating viruses, maintaining balance of the internal flora, and absorption of toxins.

It also helps in cleansing our intestine. Care should be taken that you don’t inhale diatomaceous earth because it can cause irrigation in the lungs. This is because it exists in fine powdery form.

source: http://instiks.com