Relieve Your Headache In 3 Minutes Without Using Drugs!

We are all familiar with headaches from out personal experience, so this advice will not leave you indifferent…

A head massage is a way to improve the blood flow in problem areas, to relieve stress, and to reduce pain as well.

We suggest you a method that will help you more than any drugs:

Towel massage – it is an effective way to influence blood circulation in the head and neck, that helps in removing the pain. Moreover, massaging the head is a very pleasant procedure.

How to do a therapeutic head massage using a towel:

  • Choose a proper towel -- not very thick. Wrap it into a fairly solid roller, by spiral movements.
  • Press the towel well on the nape. Hold it tight with both hands from both sides.
  • Move the towel on the head, neck and shoulders. Do this rhythmically, gradually unwrapping the towel for the massage to be sufficiently intense.
  • Do this procedure for 3- 5 minutes, these stimulations will be enough to ease the headache.If it does not stop, pause for 10 minutes and repeat the massage.

Manual therapeuts believe that the most common causes of headaches are- cramps.

This spiral towel massage relaxes the head area and the neck, eliminates cramps, positively affects on clenched vertebrae in the neck.

The head massage, in severe headaches, can be even more effective if combined with additional therapy: drink a cup of mint tea that will affect the expansion of blood vessels. The pain will disappear fast!
