The Powers Of Baking Soda In The Service Of Beauty And Health

I hope you will not deny the fact that baking soda has become indispensable help in our everyday life.

The amazing power of baking soda in almost every household found its application in maintaining the purity of the house, cooking, refreshment…

But, did you know that baking soda has a significant place in the service of beauty and health?

I suggest you read these helpful tips on how to use this useful powder.

8 Valuable tips on the use of baking soda:

Unpleasant smell of sweat

I hope you know that the use of industrial antiperspirants blocks our sweat glands. The sweat does not go out. That’s why they are “respected”, but in vain.

The reason for this is that, along with the sweat from the body, toxins are also removed. By blocking the sweat glands, the body cannot cleanse.

The presence of aluminum salts and parabens in deodorants and antiperspirants’ content, increases the risk of breast cancer and other malignant diseases.

The unpleasant smell of sweat in the armpits can be eliminated with soda. If you apply a little on a dry and clean armpit, you can be calm for 24 hours!

This means-no odor throughout the whole day!

Even if the sweat is pouring like a river, it dries quickly, leaving no trace in the form of stains or odor on clothing. You can also make a deodorant with baking soda.

Bath against smelly feet

Soak the tired feet after a hard day in a solution of warm water and baking soda (add 3 tablespoons to 3l of water).

If you do this regularly, odor will be gone forever. With the help of baking soda, you can achieve the effect of smooth and soft feet.

The next recipe will be of great help in case of this unpleasant phenomenon:

Wet the hair with water, then, energetically rub baking soda into your scalp. After that, rinse the hair and dry it.

Repeat this procedure every time you need to wash your hair, and you do not need to use shampoo -- soda replaces it great!

At first, your hair will look dry, but it is a temporary phenomenon. Very soon, it will become softer and dandruff will disappear forever.

Healthy, shiny and silky hair.

You can prepare a real homemade shampoo to wash your hair. In half a glass of water mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of alcohol (or homemade brandy). Apply this mixture to wet hair, massage and rinse with water.

Then, rinse with acidified water as well (add 2 tablespoons of alcohol vinegar or lemon juice to 1 liter of water)

If when washing your hair, you add a tablespoon of baking soda to your shampoo, you will not only remove the remains of all hair styling products, but you will also make your hair shiny and silky, as water becomes softer. This will also brighten light hair.

 Face scrub

Make a mixture of water and baking soda. Water can be replaced with washing gel, in equal proportions.

If you also add a teaspoon of honey, this facial cleanser will be invaluable.

Massage your face in circular motion using this facial scrub, rinse with water and apply some cream.

Teeth whitening

To achieve a satisfactory effect, brush your teeth with salt and baking soda in the same proportions.

Unpleasant smell from the mouth

Fight with this unpleasant phenomenon with the help of the above recipe (for teeth whitening).

The procedure can be repeated every day (you can also do it without salt). The unpleasant smell will disappear without a trace.

Swellings under the eyes

Soda will remove the dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Make a solution: in a glass of hot water or tea, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda, and mix well.

Dip swabs in it and place them on the eye area to act for 10-15 minutes.
