What All Can Be Cured With The Juice Of Parsley And Lemon?

Parsley is extremely beneficial and has numerous healthy properties. It is a very effective tool, which helps in the elimination of harmful substances from the body, improves blood circulation, helps with heart disease, and when combined with lemon, it lowers blood cholesterol.

Today, we will reveal a very useful juice that can provide an immense number of health benefits. You should drink 100 ml of the following juice every day:


1.5 liter water

3 bunches parsley

1 kg of lemons

1 baking soda

Method of preparation

Boil the water and then leave it to cool.

Chop the parsley into larger pieces. First apply the baking soda on the lemon and then wash it. Once washed, cut it into round slices.

Next, add the parsley and the lemon to the cooled water, and leave the mixture in a cool place to rest for 24 hours, during which you need to stir it occasionally.

Afterward, just blend the mixture and your healthy juice is ready!

Remember, you need to drink 100ml of the juice every day.

source: http://www.goodmorningcenter.com