What To Eat According To Your Blood Type

The blood type has an impact on many things, including the diet, feelings and reactions in different situations in life.

Regarding blood groups, we only know that each person can receive blood only from the same blood group.

However, the knowledge of blood groups is much more complex, they influence our diet, the way we perceive things and react in different situations.

We inherited the blood type from our parents, the parents of our grandparents, which reaches far into the past to our ancestors.

With the help of blood groups, the course of evolution and movement of people on earth has been followed.

Antigen -- the substance which differentiates us

Until a hundred years ago, the transfusion of blood was a game of chance. In other words, those who were lucky enough to receive adequate blood survived, and those less lucky ended tragically.

There are four blood groups: 0, A, B and AB. The substances which make the difference between them and after which they were given the names, are called antigens.

These are small molecules in red blood cells (erythrocytes), which help the body to identify foreign, harmful substances (antigens), which can be bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms.

Blood type O

This is the blood type of the first people that originate from the ancient homeland of Africa.

It is more than 50,000 years ago, from the appearance of the Neanderthals.

Since they were gatherers, it is assumed that they fed on wild plants, larvae and remnants of carcasses in raw form.

Later, they developed hunting skills (the appearance of Cro-Magnon), and fed mainly with the meat of wild animals. With the extermination of wild game in Africa, the first migrations in Asia and Europe began.

As it is the first blood type, there was no need for the development of antigens from some other blood type, so they blood type 0 does not possess any.

A person with blood type 0 can give blood to any person of any blood type, but it can only receive blood from a person with blood group 0, since the other blood groups with their antigens will act as foreign substances.

Chemically speaking, blood type 0 is the most simple and contains only the sugar fucose, which is the basis for all other blood types.

Today, it is the most widely used blood type and is found all over the world. Regarding the history, the diet of this blood type is based on meat, fish, eggs and various vegetables.

Blood type A

During the migrations of humanity in search of new food sources, the living environment influenced the adaptation (modification) of the digestive and the immune system.

The extermination of the wild game led to a need for the cultivation of food.

Therefore, the appearance of blood group A is related to agricultural, Neolithic revolution, when people began to eat more plant-based foods (cereals).

Blood type A apart from the fucose, also contains another sugar, N-acetyl-galactosamine, which is its antigen, and people with this blood type may receive blood from 0 and A- blood types.

The blood type A people are said to be truly vegetarian, which do not benefit from the consumption of meat and dairy products.

Today, the largest percentage of people with blood type A is concentrated around the Mediterranean, Adriatic and Aegean seas, Spain, Turkey and the Balkans.

Blood type B

It developed between 10 and 35 thousand years B.C. in the areas of the Himalayas. The cold landscapes caused the mutation and the formation of antigen that has provided a new resistance.

The antigen of the blood group B is D- galactosamine. Then people were nomadic shepherds who reared cattle.

However, as they moved, they developed agriculture and highly advanced irrigation systems and land management.

The diet was based on meat, dairy products and cereals, so the people with blood type B can consume all kinds of foods.

The peoples of the Far East (Japan, Mongolia, China and part of India) are the largest group of blood type B.

With the migration of Asian nomads to west, the blood type B has also reached a higher percentage of Germans and Austrians.

Blood type AB

This is the youngest blood type, formed during the barbarian raids 1,000 years ago, by mixing the Caucasus population with the blood group A and the Asian population of the blood type B.

Today, only five percent of the population has this blood type.

Besides fucose as its basis, the blood group AB also possesses the antigen N-acetyl- galactosamine of the blood group A and D- galactosamine of the blood group B.

Thus it inherited the resistance of the two blood types, and it has a greater possibility of the formation of specific antibodies against infections.

It does not produce antibodies against other blood types, so it can receive blood from any group. Persons of this blood type are less prone to allergies and autoimmune diseases (arthritis, inflammation, etc.), but more often suffer from certain types of cancer.

The nutrition for the people of this blood type is somewhere between A and B, they eat everything, vegetables and meat, but consume less dairy products than blood group B.

source: http://www.goodmorningcenter.com/